Sunday, October 9, 2016

HSEB notes | Classification and character of phyllum Coelenterata

The general characteristic of Coelenterata are as follows :

1. Habitat : They are aquatic, most of them are marine and some are fresh-water. They are mostly sessile and some are free living. Few are active swimming or free floating like Aurelia.
2. Body organization : They are multicellular organism with tissue grade of organizarion.
3. Symmetry : They are bilaterally or radially symmetrical with central gastovascular cavity.
4. Locomotion : Their locomotion is bought about by smmoth muscle fibre. Some like corals and metridium remain fixed on substratum.
5. Excrerition and repiration takes place through general body surface.
6. Reproduction : They reproduce asexually by budding, fission, and fragmentation.
7. They exhibit polymorphism :
polyp     : asexuall form
medusa : sexuall form
Sexuall form is monoecious and dioecious.
The classification of phyllum Coelenterata is given below :

1. Hydrozoa

a. They are mostly marine , few are freshwater form.
b. Both poly and medusa form is present in them.
c. Mesogloea is simple and non-cellular.
eg : hydra, obelia , physalia etc.

2. Scyphozoa


a. They are exclusively marine.
b. Medusa form is dominant and polyp form is either reduced or absent.
c. Mesogloea is cellular.
eg : aurelia (jelly fish) , rhizostome

3. Anthozoa


a. They are also exclusively marine.
b. Only polyp form is present and mwdusa form is absent in them.
c. Mesogloea has fibrous connective and amoeboid cells.
eg : metridium (sea-anemone) , corals etc