Friday, December 9, 2016

HSEB botany notes | Economic importance of family Solanaceae

HSEB biology , botany notes : 

Economic importance of family Solanaceae are as follows: 

1. Vegetables : Most of the plant belonging to this family are cultivated for vegetable purpose. Some of them include Solanum tuberosum , Capsicum annum , Solanum melonfena , lycoprsicum esculentum etc. Tomoatos' is also used in making sauce.

2. Capsicum annum is used as condiment , in spices and beverage pungent.

3. Medicine : Dried leaves , stem and roots of Atropa belladona yield atropin which is relieve. Dried leaves and roots of Datura metel is used for treatment of asthama.

4. Edible fruit are obtained  from some species of this family like Rhasbari (from Physalis sp).

5. Nocotiana tobaccum is famous for chewing and for smoking but it's excess use can harm the body.

6. Ornamental purpose :  Cestrum diurnum , Cestrum , nocturnal , Cestrum elegans is used in garden as ornamental plant.