Sunday, November 20, 2016

HSEB zoology notes | Difference between cartilaginous fish and bony fish

The difference between Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish) and Osteichthyes (bony fish) are as follows: 

Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)
 (bony fish)
1.       They are marine.
 They are both marine and fresh water.
2.       Swim bladder is absent.
  Swim bladder is present.
3.     Endoskeletion is cartilaginous.

4.   Endoskeletion is bony.
    No operculum. Spiracles are present.
5.  Gills are enclosed by operculum.
    Mouth is at the presnt at the ventral region.
6.  Mouth is present at the terminal region of the     body.
    Fertilization is internal.
7. Sexual dimorphism is distinct. They have clasper for transferring sperm to female genital tract.

eg : Scoliodon , Torpedo (electric fish) etc
Sexual dimorphism is not distinct. Clasper are absent.

eg : Labeo (rohu) ,  Exocoetus (flying fish) etc