Monday, December 12, 2016

Solanaceae | Family Description | Biology - HSEB Notes

Distribution : They are distributed widely in the temperate and tropical region. Most of the plants belonging to this family are mesophytes. They are cultivated for vegetables , as They are cultivated for vegetables , as ornamental plant etc.

Habit :Most of them are annual herbs , rarely trees.

Vegetative characters

-  Root : Tap root system with lateral branches.

-  Stem : Erect , herbaceous , aerial , branched , solid or fistular , cylindrical. In some the stem is modified into tubers as in Solanum tuberosum.

-  Leaves : Cauline ,ramal, pertiolate or sessil or sub sessile , exstipulate , simple ,ovate , margin : dentate or entire , unicostate, reticulate venation

Floral characters

-  Flowers : Ebracteate , pedicellate , complete ,actinomorphic , rarely zygomorphic ,bisexual, pentamerous , hypogynous

- Inflorescence : Cymose , generallyaxillary but sometime extra-axillary or terminal cyme

-  Calyx : Sepal - 5 , gamosepalous , hairy , campanulate , inferior, valvate aestivation

- Corolla : Petal - 5 , gamopetalous , infundibuliform or tubular , inferior , valvate aestivation,

- Androceium : Stamen - 5, polyandrous , epipetalous , alternate to petal, anther : basifixed , dithecous ,introse

- Gynoceium : Carpel - 2 , bicarpellary , syncarpous , ovary superior and obliquely placed, bilocular with many ovaries on swollen placenta , sometime tetralocular due to development of false septum , aile placentation , style simple , stigma : capitate or bilobed

 Pollination : Cross , entomophilous

-  Fruit : A many seeded berry or capsule

-  Seed : Albuminous or endospermic which is curved or straight

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