Sunday, December 25, 2016

Economic importance of earthworm.

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Earthworms are both useful and harmful to mankind.

Useful aspects

1. It burrows the land makes the soil surface porous. This enhances the fertility of soil and growth of plant occurs well.

2. It is eaten as food in different countries of the world.

3. It is also used as medicine in curing stones in gal bladder , diarrhoea , jaundice , pills etc.

4. It is used as bait in fishing.

5. It is used in zoology lab for disection purpose.

6. It is used in making compoat manure called vermicompostion.

Harmful aspects

1. The casting or pallets excreted by earthworm in slopy land are washed away by rain which contribute to soil erosion.

2. It destroys tender plant in fields and garden by eating them.