Monday, November 21, 2016

HSEB zoology notes | General characteristics of Reptile

The general characteristics of reptile are as follows:

     1.       Habitat : They are mostly terrestrial and some are aquatic. They are cold blooded (poikilothermic) animal.
    2.       Body form : Their body is elongated and cylindrical and divided into head ,trunk , neck and tail. Skin is dry , rough and non-glandular. It is covered by scales or bone plates. 
    3.  Locomotion: Locomotion in amphibian is carried out by two pair of pentadactyle limbs. Horny claws are present aquatic form, digits in terrestrial form.

   4.       Respiration : They respire through lungs. In turtle, gaseous exchange take place through cloaca.
   5.       Nervous System : They have 12 pair of carnial nerve arising from brain.

   6.       Reproduction : Sexes are separate and they are oviparous. Eggs are covered by CaCO3.

Eg : Hemidactylus (wall lizard) , turtle etc