Thursday, October 13, 2016

Economic importance of Algae | Botany XI | HSEB Notes


 Botany XI | HSEB notes|
The economic importance of different division of algae are as follows:

Chloropyceae (green algae)

1. Protococcus sp, Cladophora sp are the component for forming lichen family.

2. Spirogyra sp is used for making tissue paper.

Phaeophyceae (brown algae)

1. Seeweds such as Laminaria sp, fucus sp are used as fooder. They are rich in potakssiumso used as
2. Laminaria sp and Ascophyllum sp (marine) posses antibiotic properties so used in
medical sector.
3. Alginate (salt of alginic acid) derieved from Laminaria sp is non-toxic so it is used
in making cosmetic , plastic and artificial fibre.

Rodophyceae (red algae)

1. Agar is excracted from pectic layer of some red algae such as Gelidium sp. This agar when comes
in contact with water can act as media for culture of bacteria, fungi etc. It is also
usedin making pills.

2.Bromine is excracted from Polysiphonia sp