Sunday, September 4, 2016

Wave mechanical model of atom

de-broglie's pricnciple :

In 1924 A.D , French physicist de-Broglie suggested that like light other material particle in motion  also have dual character (character as particle and wave). This idea of particle duality led him to derive the following mathematical equation :

 λ = h/mv


λ =  wavelength of the particle
h =  plank's constant
m =  mass of electron
v  =  velocity of electron

This is also known as de-Broglie's equation which when applied to motion of an electron helps to calculate the wavelength of the electron. It is derived from energy concept e=mc2 and e=hv

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

In 1927 A.D , Heisenberg purposed the famous principle which was based on dual nature of a moving microscopic particle. He named this principle after him and it states that -

"It is impossible to determine simultaneously the position and momentum of a moving microscopic particle with absolute certainty."


Picture from :


x = uncertainty in position
p = uncertainty in momentum
h = plank's constant

According to this principle, if we measure the position of a particle accurately then an error is developed in the momentum of the particle and at the same time if we measure the momentum of the particle accurately then another error develops at the position of the particle . So, it is impossible to determine simultaneously the position and momentum of a particle. So, it is known as heisenber's uncertainty principle.